Vendor Relations

In all our operations, Elliscox Oil & Gas Limited seeks to do business with diverse businesses and is committed to providing equal and impartial opportunities. This approach stimulates local economic development and enhances our long-term business performance by improving supplier engagement, competition and sustainability.

Elliscox Oil & Gas Limited success is dependent on having the most competitive, innovative and resilient supply base, an increasingly important advantage in these uncertain times.

We can only achieve this through partnering with diverse suppliers to broaden our sourcing options and increase our exposure to new ideas.

Who qualifies as a Diverse Supplier?

For consideration under Elliscox Oil & Gas Limited's Supplier Diversity program, companies must be owned, operated, and controlled by a member of one of the following groups:

  • Minority owned
    • African American
    • Asian American
    • Hispanic American
    • Native American
  • Women owned
  • Veteran owned
  • Disability owned
  • Veteran-disability owned
  • Service-disabled veteran owned

Ownership by any of these groups means that the business is at least 51% owned by such individuals, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals. The management and daily operations must be controlled by those associated Diverse Supplier group members.